Invention Story
A vacuum on low so it sucks up plastic and the fish can swim away. It has a magnet for metal. It takes all the plastic and metal and puts it in a special pocket and it takes dirty water and cleans it. It takes all the bad stuff and cleans the water for the fish.

Humble beginnings
I really liked Ava’s idea of using an underwater vessel to capture plastic and metal waste. Thinking about ways to make a ...
Propelling the project
Next I needed a propeller. This was a perfect project for my 3D printer but first I needed to design it. I regularly ...
Conference call with Ava
Today I had my first conference call with Ava, the Little Inventor of the Cleaner Picker Upper. It was great to ...
The ship control room
I did the design of the control room on Fusion 360 then fabricated the parts (desk, side panel, floor, pilot chair ...
Picking up metal debris: the electromagnet
I liked Ava’s idea of using some sort of magnet to capture metal debris from the ocean water ...
The vacuum pick-ups
For the two arms extending in front of the vessel that will suck the water in to filter plastic waste, I used two small ...
Filtering the waste from the water
The water containing waste material gets into the vessel by way of the vacuum pick-ups, then underneath ...
Planning the electronic circuitry
Models are always more interesting when they are brought to life with sound and motion. I introduced a ...
Programming, debugging and testing the microcontroller
The tiny microcontroller chip will be the brain of the model and will control all the ...
Final assembly and testing
Satisfied with the initial test with the microcontroller, I have assembled the electronics (lots of wire cutting ...
Making a stand
I wanted a nice stand to support the cylindrical vessel. I used a piece of pine wood, made nice edges with a router and apply ...
Project completed: The Cleaner Picker Upper in action!
Well, this has been a very interesting project. Ava's idea of a submarine to clean ...
Ava has already started thinking about other people and creatures to help with her inventions. We can't wait to see them!